

  • 烟波
  • qiazhi
  • 2024-01-22 10:00:01



  1.《A Spring Festival Ode》by Du Fu (杜甫)

  Ode to joyous spring, the holiday's here,

  I put on new clothes and travel without fear.

  Streets decorated with red lanterns glowing,

  Firecrackers bursting, excitement is growing.

  2.《New Year》by Bai Juyi (白居易)

  Spring festival comes, bringing joys and cheer,

  Families gather, wishing good fortune near.

  Red couplets on doors, Chun Lian hanging tall,

  Dumplings and fish, symbols of wealth for all.

  3.《Spring Festival》by Li Bai (李白)

  Lanterns of gold, red, and green fill the air,

  Drums and fireworks, happiness everywhere.

  A reunion with family, heartwarming and bright,

  Wishing each other a prosperous sight.

  4.《New Year's Eve》by Wang Anshi (王安石)

  New Year's Eve, the most important night,

  Dinnertime filled with laughter and delight.

  Writing Spring Festival couplets, a cherished tradition,

  Welcoming the blessings, without inhibition.

  5.《The Lantern Festival》by Liu Yuxi (刘禹锡)

  Lanterns glow, illuminating the night,

  People to admire, such a magnificent sight.

  Floating red lanterns light up the sky,

  Symbolizing good luck as they fly high.

  6.《Spring Lanterns》by Su Shi (苏轼)

  Spring lanterns shine, symbolizing reunion's grace,

  Celebrating the New Year, adorning every place.

  The moon's radiance reveals a joyous scene,

  As families gather to welcome the Lantern Festival green.








  The Spring Festival

  In the bright and lunar new year,

  We celebrate with joy and cheer.

  We reunite with family dear,

  To welcome good luck in the coming year.

  Red lanterns light up the night,

  Fireworks burst, filling the sky with delight.

  People wear new clothes so bright,

  Happiness fills every corner, reaching new heights.

  Dumplings are made with diligent care,

  Symbolizing wealth and good luck we share.

  We exchange red packets, it’s only fair,

  To bring blessings and fortune, we all prepare.

  As we bid farewell to the old and embrace the new,

  We cherish the memories and dreams that grew.

  With love and hope, let wishes come true,

  Happy Spring Festival to all, from me to you.



  Posting Spring Couplets

  In the spring festival, joy fills the air,

  We paste spring couplets with utmost care.

  Red paper, golden characters, symbols flare,

  Blessings and good wishes, everywhere.

  On the door, the couplets are seen,

  Luck and prosperity they’ll bring.

  Words of wisdom, flowing like a spring,

  Guiding us to a prosperous beginning.

  May the year of the ox bring strength and joy,

  May happiness and success never destroy.

  With family and friends, we celebrate and enjoy,

  A new year with hope we happily employ.



  New Year's Eve

  On New Year's Eve, the clock strikes midnight,

  Fireworks light up the sky, shining so bright.

  Families gather, laughter fills the night,

  To bid farewell to the old and welcome the new with delight.

  Delicious food on the table, a feast for all,

  Dumplings, fish, and rice cakes enthrall.

  With gratitude and love, hearts stand tall,

  Wishing good fortune and happiness for the festival's call.

  The sound of firecrackers fills the air,

  Banishing evil spirits, bringing luck and care.

  In every corner, joy and hope declare,

  A brand-new year, full of blessings rare.

  May the lanterns guide us through the dark,

  May Spring Festival’s spirit leave a mark.

  With love and kindness, let's embark,

  On a journey of happiness and joy, so stark.



